Filed under: Achieving Your Goals, eft, goals, law of attraction, manifesting, removing blocks, spirituality
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. “
Henry Ford
Are you ready to create the Life you really want?
You’ve done some spiritual work. Perhaps you’ve
- heard of the Law of Attraction
- seen or read “The Secret”
- applied visualization and positive affirmations
And yet…for all the positive thinking and visualizing you do, you’re still frustrated and wondering why your great life has not arrived yet. You are starting to think this spiritual stuff is not for you, that realizing your dreams is still something that you hope will happen Some Day.
How would your life be better if you were in charge of it and created it every day based on what you really want?
Here’s the good news….You can Master Your Life! Yes, you CAN.
“Sure”, you say, “I have heard it all before. Everybody seems to have the magic bullet these days.” … “and yet so many people are still struggling to manifest their Life’s Passion.”
I too have been disillusioned.
Despite enjoying incredible corporate success, there seemed to be something missing. I asked myself why it was so easy to achieve corporate goals and yet when it came right down to my True, Heartfelt personal desires, the ability to create what I wanted escaped me? What was I not seeing? What was I not doing? I mean, I got some of the things I wanted but not others. What was the difference between those goals that I did achieve and those that I didn’t?
What I Discovered
Being true to my analytical training, I started to investigate. I looked in detail at the goals that I did not achieve and those that I did.
Here’s what I found:
Without exception, each time that I achieved that which I planned, or more than I planned, 3 key elements were true:
1. I was clear about what I wanted to manifest. Crystal Clear!
2. I had a concrete plan broken down into achievable action steps.
3. I truly believed in and resonated with what I wanted to achieve and I clearly saw the outcome in my mind’s eye.
Ok. So how about my other goals?
Does that mean that I really did not want the other goals? Of course, I did. I knew that I did, with all my heart. So then, what was missing?
Again, without exception, when I did not achieve that which I set out to do, there was some part of me that ignored one of the 3 steps.
How could this be? My ability to clearly state objectives was beyond reproach. And, I was exceptionally good at planning and setting achievable goals. I was using leading edge, planning and goal setting tools, tried and tested! Yes, I am very good at all of these and the tools do work, it’s true.
The 2 Things That Blocked Me
Then I realized….When I did not manifest the things I desired it meant 1 of 2 things:
- Either it was not my heart’s desire (just something I thought I should do next)
- Some part of me did not resonate with what I wanted to achieve.
How To Find Out If You Are Not In Resonance With Your Goals
How did I know I didn’t resonate what I wanted to achieve?
It was easier than you think. If while setting my goals or while reviewing my action steps I experienced doubting thoughts or feelings, like “Who do I think I am?” or “what entitles me to this?” or even “Yeah, that’s all good and easy for others, but I have always had to work hard for what I have!”, then I was not in resonance with my desire.
Despite having these feelings or thoughts, I plodded through, ignoring the obvious. Looking back, I asked myself when is it ever true that overlooking an issue makes it disappear? The answer, of course, is NEVER.
What To Do About It
So what do you do when you have these thoughts or feelings? You address them profoundly.
There are various obstacle elimination tools out there, I chose the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This technique helps you rebalance and unblock the flow of energy in your meridian system – much like Acupuncture. I find it effective, fast and it works every time whether you believe in it or not!
Applying The 3 Step Model
Once I understood the basic principles of successful manifestation and realization of goals, I created the 3 step model. It has worked for me, it has worked for my clients and it will work for you if you apply its principles.
The elements of the 3 step model are:
1. Creating Crystal Clear Goals.
2. Developing a Plan with achievable action steps.
3. Believing in and Resonating with that which you are creating.
The process is simple, and highly impactful. Best of all it’s yours for the taking.
Are you ready to Master your life? Excellent! There’s no better time than NOW.
I would like to invite you to register for a very special tele coaching Program Co Creating 101 starting on May 8th, 2008.
For more information please visit or contact us at
Live with Passion!
Joanne Roibu