Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ending Poverty Consciousness

Definition number 1 of "poverty" in the American Heritage Dictionary is: "The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts." It's further defined as "deficiency in amount; scantiness; unproductiveness; infertility."

By "poverty consciousness" I mean the set of attitudes and beliefs and feelings and values associated with material lack or fear of material lack. Poverty consciousness equals a belief in limitation, and almost always includes fear.

Poverty consciousness is not directly related to the amount of money you have. Rather, it's the relationship to that money or to material possessions. If you worry about not having enough money, you're in poverty consciousness. If you believe there is not enough for everyone in the world, you operate from poverty consciousness.

You can live in conditions of poverty without necessarily living in poverty consciousness, which is a state of mind and heart. The amount of money or other material possessions is a matter of fact. Your relationship to that amount is a matter of thoughts and feelings.

Different Means; Similar Consciousness

Years ago, I had two personal empowerment sessions back-to-back with individuals of strikingly different financial means. The first one asked me probing questions about decisions he wanted to make with respect to stocks and his upcoming retirement from a major corporation. The second, desperate to generate $35 to pay his part of the electric bill, asked me probing questions about his uncertain situation.

I worked with both men in essentially the same way. I looked at the energy field in and around their thoughts and feelings. I assessed how they were creating a reality of poverty consciousness energized by their fears. The one of greater financial means became calmer as he embraced a shift in consciousness. The one of lesser financial means became calmer as he embraced a shift in consciousness.

The dollar amounts were different. The fear was the same. Probably each would have envied aspects of the other's life! As each man understood more fully how he had thought and felt his way into his particular situation, he was better prepared to think and feel his way out.

Another Definition

Return to the American Heritage Dictionary, I see a fourth definition of poverty that warrants discussion: "Renunciation made by a member of a religious order of the right to own property."

Perhaps few readers of this article are presently in religious orders that require vows of poverty. However, the history of civilization is filled with such vows. For those of you who believe that it's possible to inherit traits from your ancestors, consider the impact of past vows of poverty passed through the genes and generations. For those of you who believe that it's possible to be influenced by beliefs of others, consider the impact of past vows of poverty modeled in behavior. For those of you who believe in past lives, consider the impact of past vows of poverty on future lives. For those of you who believe in the existence of an energy field, consider how it might be polluted by such vows of limitation.

You can probably find some part of your belief system that tells you that vows of poverty made in the past can impact you and others now. As Individuals, in groups, and as the whole of humanity, you're touched by others.

A Matter of Faith

Ending poverty consciousness is a matter of faith. Everyone has faith, even though there are many who claim they have none. The question is not whether or not you have faith, but rather, in what you place your faith. Do you place your faith in money? In yourself? In lack? In history? In the future? In the visible? In the invisible? In health? In sickness?

When the visible elements of your experience are tumbling, you must redirect your faith, your energy, and your intention. The physical world is a temporary reality, always changing. It's time to open your awareness more to the worlds beyond this one. Higher consciousness is becoming more available to the human plane. You'll want to stay alert so you don't miss this adventure!

This is an exciting time. The extraordinary dynamic and paradox is that at this time when the world has its most abundant riches, some still live in poverty and/or poverty consciousness. This universe is waiting to fulfill your every need.

This article has focused on poverty and poverty consciousness as related to material things. Keep in mind, though, that the same principles apply to other aspects of your life. Some persons feel poverty or poverty consciousness about themselves. "Low self esteem" is one of the popular terms, which is a belief in lack, lack of talents or abilities, not having enough of what's wanted.

A Few Ideas to End Poverty Consciousness

  • Watch your language! Make sure that what follows "I" or "I am" is what you want to manifest. If you say "I am poor," the Universe will answer you with its only response: yes!

  • Say, think, and/or write empowering affirmations. (For example, "I rescind old vows of poverty and limitation." Or, "I accept the gifts of the Universe.")

  • Bless all those who owe you money. Pray for their prosperity. When they pay you, thank them and thank the Source, the Higher Power.

  • Bless all those to whom you owe money. Pray for their prosperity. When you pay them, thank them and thank the Source, the Higher Power.

  • Recognize that money is a means of exchange. Stop giving your power away to money. Claim your own power from within and follow your passion. You will discover that the required means will be at your disposal.

  • Focus on what you desire, not on what you don't desire. That to which you give your attention expands. If you give your attention to scarcity, scarcity expands; if you give your attention to abundance, abundance expands.

Now is the Time

Now is the only time you really have. You may believe that "as soon as ...... happens" you'll be free of poverty consciousness. You may dream that "when I win the lottery, I'll do all those things I want to do." The truth is, you don't need to wait for any conditions to change in order to be conscious of abundance. Now is the time. Here is the place.

© 1995, 2007 Marshall House, Jeanie Marshall, a Personal Development Coach specializing in deep transformation and personal success, writes extensively on subjects related to personal development and empowerment. She assists professional coaches and consultants to write their knowledge, wisdom, and experiences.

NOTE: You may save this article, send it to a friend, or use it in your online publications, provided the above attribution paragraph remains with the article with at least one active link and you make no changes to the article or its title.

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Marshall House List of Articles

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Co-Creating Your Life's Passion

Co-Creating Your Life’s Passion - 3 Key Elements

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.
Henry Ford

Are you ready to create the Life you really want?

You’ve done some spiritual work. Perhaps you’ve

  • heard of the Law of Attraction
  • seen or read “The Secret”
  • applied visualization and positive affirmations

And yet…for all the positive thinking and visualizing you do, you’re still frustrated and wondering why your great life has not arrived yet. You are starting to think this spiritual stuff is not for you, that realizing your dreams is still something that you hope will happen Some Day.

How would your life be better if you were in charge of it and created it every day based on what you really want?

Here’s the good news….You can Master Your Life! Yes, you CAN.

“Sure”, you say, “I have heard it all before. Everybody seems to have the magic bullet these days.” … “and yet so many people are still struggling to manifest their Life’s Passion.”

I too have been disillusioned.

Despite enjoying incredible corporate success, there seemed to be something missing. I asked myself why it was so easy to achieve corporate goals and yet when it came right down to my True, Heartfelt personal desires, the ability to create what I wanted escaped me? What was I not seeing? What was I not doing? I mean, I got some of the things I wanted but not others. What was the difference between those goals that I did achieve and those that I didn’t?

What I Discovered

Being true to my analytical training, I started to investigate. I looked in detail at the goals that I did not achieve and those that I did.

Here’s what I found:

Without exception, each time that I achieved that which I planned, or more than I planned, 3 key elements were true:

1. I was clear about what I wanted to manifest. Crystal Clear!

2. I had a concrete plan broken down into achievable action steps.

3. I truly believed in and resonated with what I wanted to achieve and I clearly saw the outcome in my mind’s eye.

Ok. So how about my other goals?

Does that mean that I really did not want the other goals? Of course, I did. I knew that I did, with all my heart. So then, what was missing?

Again, without exception, when I did not achieve that which I set out to do, there was some part of me that ignored one of the 3 steps.

How could this be? My ability to clearly state objectives was beyond reproach. And, I was exceptionally good at planning and setting achievable goals. I was using leading edge, planning and goal setting tools, tried and tested! Yes, I am very good at all of these and the tools do work, it’s true.

The 2 Things That Blocked Me

Then I realized….When I did not manifest the things I desired it meant 1 of 2 things:

  1. Either it was not my heart’s desire (just something I thought I should do next)
  2. Some part of me did not resonate with what I wanted to achieve.

How To Find Out If You Are Not In Resonance With Your Goals

How did I know I didn’t resonate what I wanted to achieve?

It was easier than you think. If while setting my goals or while reviewing my action steps I experienced doubting thoughts or feelings, like “Who do I think I am?” or “what entitles me to this?” or even “Yeah, that’s all good and easy for others, but I have always had to work hard for what I have!”, then I was not in resonance with my desire.

Despite having these feelings or thoughts, I plodded through, ignoring the obvious. Looking back, I asked myself when is it ever true that overlooking an issue makes it disappear? The answer, of course, is NEVER.

What To Do About It

So what do you do when you have these thoughts or feelings? You address them profoundly.

There are various obstacle elimination tools out there, I chose the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This technique helps you rebalance and unblock the flow of energy in your meridian system – much like Acupuncture. I find it effective, fast and it works every time whether you believe in it or not!

Applying The 3 Step Model

Once I understood the basic principles of successful manifestation and realization of goals, I created the 3 step model. It has worked for me, it has worked for my clients and it will work for you if you apply its principles.

The elements of the 3 step model are:

1. Creating Crystal Clear Goals.

2. Developing a Plan with achievable action steps.

3. Believing in and Resonating with that which you are creating.

The process is simple, and highly impactful. Best of all it’s yours for the taking.

Are you ready to Master your life? Excellent! There’s no better time than NOW.

I would like to invite you to register for a very special tele coaching Program Co Creating 101 starting on May 8th, 2008.

For more information please visit or contact us at

Live with Passion!

Joanne Roibu


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Change Your Attitude To Get More Abundance

Universe is huge… Earth is a rich planet… Humans are creative… There are enough for all people. There should not be poverty. But there is a problem of mentality, which opens the way to a problem of attitude. Richness is there. We have to go for it. Going for it implies to have the adequate attitude.

If some fellow offers you a fruit. You can decide to accept it. If you do so, then you will extend your hand and take it. You are confident that the fellow is offering the fruit. You are also confident that you can take the fruit. And, finally, you are also confident that you will, in fact, take the fruit. How will you take it? Well, by extending the arm and grasping the fruit with the fingers.

Most people adopt a different attitude when the matter is abundance. If God offers you abundance, perhaps you are not confident that God is offering you abundance. You may be convinced that there are scarcity in the world and you are not among the chosen to have abundance.

It is also possible that you think that you do not have the means to get abundance. May be you do not have the necessary knowledge or you do not have the relationships needed or you are not so clever, etc.

And finally, perhaps you believe that you do not know how to take the abundance. Taking the fruit seems easy although a great number of muscles need to be moved and the given order involves a complex neurological process. But, even tough grasping a fruit is no so simple, taking the abundance sometimes appears to be impossible. Do I have to quit my actual job? Should I change my career? Is it necessary to have my own business? So many doubts. Avoid them, simply have the abundance.

Let convince us that God is offering continuously abundance, that we have the means to take it and that you will have abundance. Once we are deeply convinced about these three statements, we can change our attitude and get abundance.

Ricardo Rojas is in charge of The Prosperous People webpage. He is concerned about sharing with others his findings in personal development. Topics as Health, Wealth, Love, Faith and Wisdom are discussed in

Article Source:

"the mind - body- spirit & more social network"

Friday, May 9, 2008

Free Books To Change Your Life

These books will change your life

...and they are free!

These books will show you how to use the power of your mind to get anything you want in life, or change what has been...and they are all completely free.

Browse the list and read whatever catches your interest.

If you really don’t know where to start, try The Message of A Master and then The Master Key System.

All the best,

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Heal Yourself & Create A New Career

"Heal Yourself AND Create a New
Career, Writing Successful Self Help
Books for the New Age Market."

Dear Fellow Writer,

The next time you're in town, take a close look at your local book store. Picture yourself studying those long lines of shelves (looking for your own name perhaps!)

You'll notice that, when it comes to new books, self help is one of the major growth industries in publishing - and has been for well over two decades now. There seems to be a never ending demand for books that cater to our physical, mental and emotional growth.

It's a product of our age: a time when our new found wealth, materialism and 'Because I'm Worth It' mentality has left us feeling empty, yearning for something more meaningful, perhaps even spiritual.

Whilst you're still in that bookstore, take a look at some of those writer's markets books - and buy one if you haven't already! It will be one of the best investments in your writing career you will ever make.

Examine Submission Guidelines

Now, look up the guidelines for submitting manuscripts and book ideas to mainstream and independent publishers.

Fiction guidelines are often cursory and dismissive, listing precise conditions that imply you should think twice about submitting anything!

Now take a look at the guidelines for submitting books on 'self help', 'how to' and books about personal growth and change.

A completely different story.

The guidelines for submitting self help manuscripts, even just ideas for self help books is far more encouraging, even enthusiastic and helpful.

Why is this, do you think?

Okay, listen and listen good: The publishing industry is a business. It is commercially driven. The industry, from the bottom to the top, want to stock shops with books that actually sell!

Finding a Niche

Now, assume that writing a self help book is a lot quicker than writing a novel - and I mean a lot, say a tenth of the time you'd take on a fictional work. Assume that you could probably research, plan and write a good self help book, realistically, in about two months - from the germ of an idea to final draft. It's by no means an unreasonable assumption.

What would you write about that hasn't been covered a million times already? (Not that this seems to stop a good writer!)

Is there a niche that is not particularly well catered for?

Well actually, YES - it's a genre all its own. And it's often referred to, by those in the know, as Mind Body and Spirit, sometimes also called New Age.

But, I hear you ask, how would I start writing for this comparatively virgin market? How would I know what to say? And how to say it?

Clearly, by getting the best advice from someone who's been there and done that with great success.

Enter Florence Ellen

Florence is the multi-published author of Decoding the Parable of Dreams. She is a Certified Recreation Therapist and Metaphysical Dream Counselor. Not only that she's a brilliant writing tutor!

Yes, Florence has a keen interest in all things esoteric - but is grounded enough to be in the ideal position to show you, step by step, how to research and write an excellent self help book. Not only that, she can also show you how it can be a profound personal journey for you, the writer.

The Easy Way to Write for the
Mind Body and Spirit Market

by Florence Ellen

In her brand new ebook, Florence Ellen outlines exactly how to go about impressing a mainstream self help publisher enough to get published!

The good news? It's a process - one that you can literally carbon copy to get deals and even advances for books you haven't written yet!

By drawing on her immense personal experience, Florence shows how a good proposal is worth its weight in gold - especially if it's targeted right.

But not only do you get all the info on how to write, research and pitch a highly sellable MBS book, you get an additional bonus ebook of 42 target markets of real world publishers, agents and organizations that are hungry for these kinds of books, ideas and completed manuscripts.

Here's a quick overview of what Florence can help you with:

* Visualizing your Book to Completion

* This Business of Spiritual Writing

* How to Be an Expert in Your Field

* How To Write What You Believe - Without Alienating Your Readers

* Simplifying the Complex

* Melding Wisdom with Wherewithal

* Intuition and the Brain Storming Process.

* Manifesting Your Manuscript

* Gurus and Avatars With Business Cards (The Karma of Contracts)

* 11 Success Secrets For Marketing Your Book

* Other Special Resources for the Spiritual Writer

* And much, much more - really! 200 pages really!

This is a very special opportunity to purchase something previously unheard of - a self help book about the business of self help that shows you how you can grow and learn as a person AND write and profit from the whole experience.

This book is a spiritual journey as well as a manual for writing success.

And all for just $27!

Go for it! Click here:

The Easy Way to Write for the
Mind Body and Spirit Market
by Florence Ellen

Best regards and keep writing!

Rob Parnell
Creating Successful Writers

The Easy Way to Write [home business network] [mind - body - spirit network] [southern u.s network]

*remove spaces in address if pasting and links stop working.


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